A Contract Lift is normally the safest way to conduct a lifting operation, using Crane & Generals vast experience and Knowledge of how to plan, organise and execute the lifting operation including providing all personnel, producing Method Statement and Risk Assessments to comply with HSE requirments and BS7121. This service includes the correct selection of crane and lifting equipment, a berthing study to locate the crane and supervision of all aspects of the lifting operation. Public and Employer Liability Insurance is provided up to a limit of £10M in each case.
Under the standard terms of a Contract Lift the Crane, Equipment, Operator, all personnel supplied with the Crane, and Insurance are the responsibility of Crane Owner. The Owner must supply the Appointed Person or Lift Supervisor and is responsible for all aspects of the planning and execution of the lift.
The Owner will be Insured for the following:-
Under Contract Lift conditions the Hirer still retains certain liabilities against which the Hirer should be adequatley insured, These include:-